Jo has worked in animal welfare research at Bristol Vet School for over a decade. Her research primarily concerns equines and farmed livestock, with a particular focus on the influence of human perceptions and attitudes on decision-making and welfare.
Lynda was Visiting Professor in biological sciences at the University of Chester, and now a visiting researcher with the Bristol Vet School. Trained originally in ethology (the scientific study of animal behaviour), she has also done many research studies in human-animal relationships. This included research collaboration with Jo Hockenhull. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lynda-Birke-2/publication/276347927_Journeys_Together_Horses_and_Humans_in_Partnership/lin
Lynda has participated over many years in competitive equestrian sport, especially showjumping.
Nora Schuurman is Academy Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Finland. She is a geographer and specialises in relationships between humans and companion animals. In her current project Landscapes of Interspecies Care: Working the Human–Animal Boundary in Care Practices funded by the Academy of Finland, she studies interspecies care practices in the everyday life shared with horses and pets in Finland and the UK. Before that, she explored questions related to companion animal death.